Sep 3, 2007

You had me at "Chainsaw"


Here's Wolf up front, brandishing his chainsaw. There's me in back, crapping my pants.
Wolf and I burst into the street, running for cover behind a burnt-out car. The Locusts open up with everything they've got including a "Troika" mounted heavy machine gun. Before I make it to cover, I get pumped full of lead and go down in a heap. Fortunately Wolf is right there to revive me by standing next to me and hitting "X". I'm alive again, but we're completely pinned down.

Wolf calls to me, "Help me push the car so we can get in close to that Troika!"

The two of us lean against the car and start shoving it down the street, bullets zinging overhead and pinging off the car. I had no idea you could move this car! Three regular Locust troopers shift position to try to get an angle on us.

While I'm pushing the car, I'm also blind-firing over the top of the vehicle, spraying bullets to keep the Locust soldiers ducking for cover. This helps reduce the amount of incoming fire. When we get close enough, I uncork a grenade, but it bounces off a pole and just explodes in the street. It's Wolf's turn. He makes a perfect throw: his grenade lands right in the gunner's position and blasts the shinola out of the sucka. Scratch one Troika.

New York minute: 2,000 bullets
The three remaining Locust soldiers vault over their cover, trying to get in close. Unfortunately for them, Wolf and I are locked and loaded. Between the two of us, we fire 120 bullets in three seconds. Both of us hit a perfect reload and are firing again one second later. This means that in seven seconds we fire 240 bullets (equiv. to a cyclic rate of over 2,000 bullets per minute!), and have taken down all three of the Locust coming at us.

"Nobody, I mean nobody, puts ketchup on a hot dog."
We get out from behind our car and move forward. Suddenly three more Locust troops run around a corner to ambush us. We duck behind a big concrete block. I shoot the head off one guy while Wolf riddles a second baddie. I'm reloading when I see Wolf leap over the concrete block and run straight at the last Locust trooper, revving his chainsaw to full speed. I leap over the block to follow because I know what's coming and I don't want to miss it. I'm only a few feet behind Wolf when he gets to the last Locust and literally saws the enemy in half from shoulder to crotch. Blood sprays _everywhere_ as the entire right side of the Locust's body comes off like a meat avalanche. I raise my arms and holler, "YEAH baby!"

Giving 'em the ol' Meat and Potatoes
Normally a mild-mannered office worker bee, Wolf has proven himself to be a ferociously effective fighter. As we progress through the game, we have him do all the specialty skill work (meaning he's Potatoes), while I run around distracting everyone (meaning I'm Meat). For example, we were trying to fight our way down a hallway when I saw a flanking path around the left side. I run around to the side and pop out on our enemy's flank. Before I can get to cover I almost get shot down. I duck behind cover just in time, blind-firing around the corner while my shields come back up. I'm not hitting anything, but my presence has unnerved the enemy soldiers such that they all break cover to try to get me, exposing themselves to Wolf's murderous barrage of grenades and bullets. I smugly watch them all get perforated and blasted to Kingdom Come, and then we move on.

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