Sep 3, 2007


Stunning looks but no replay value. Worth: $25
based on the 360 demo: August 2007

All the mags and sites are giving this 11 out of 10, but I gotta say, based on the demo, this game looks good but not great. Replay is my biggest concern. The story is such a big part of this game that I doubt I'll play it twice (think Max Payne or God Of War). Plus, moving around in the world is pretty awkward. Maybe it'll feel better once I get used to it.

With that said, it looks and sounds incredible. I just sat there going "wowwww". My buddy Arth sat there going "wowwww". We both remember Pathways Into Darkness (from Bungie, pre-Marathon) so maybe our base expectation is lower than some younger gamers. Even so, I think BioShock is a graphics milestone.

UPDATE: September 28, 2007
I'm reading mixed user reviews. I'm assuming the really gushy ones are corporate plants from the publisher. I'm also assuming the flames are corporate plants from the publisher's competitors. The user reviews in-between though are still very mixed. Do not run out and buy this game until it costs less. I know the Mags and Sites gave it 11 out of 10, but this might be a game that appeals more to people in the business than regular gamers. Don't forget, professional reviewers and journalists aren't spending their own money. They get the games for free, and their editors are pre-disposed to favorable reviews, especially for games that have a lot of advertising behind them.

UPDATE: October 22, 2007
GameInformer can't say enough good things about this game. It sounds like you can have the story play out differently depending on what you do in the game, so replay may be better than I think. I don't know, it's hard for me to believe this game is that good. I played the demo once or twice, but it just didn't grab me. I've got it on my Xmas list, we'll see how it is if I play the real game.

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