Sep 3, 2007

Total Crap

Games so worthless to me they don't even get a review. Worth: $0
Just my opinions. Don't agree? Start a blog, it's fun :)

based on demos:
- Spiderman, Friend or Foe
- Sega Rally
- Flatout UC
- Blue Dragon
+ MotoGP 2007
- Stuntman Ignition
- Burnout (any)
- Dead To Rights
+ Ace Combat 6
- Call of Duty 1*

based on videos:
- Eternal Sonata
I'm leaving out obviously bad games like Driv3r, Obi-Wan, and Doom 3. I'll be updating this list periodically.

+ Empirically a good game, but I don't care for it. If you like the genre, you might like the game.

- Perhaps well-made, but disastrously boring. I have no idea what people like about these games. Being older, my days are already filled with tedium, I don't need it in my entertainment.

* CoD2 pending, I'm playing it now. It's better than I remember from the demo.

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