Mar 14, 2008

Crackdown Co-Op

Serve up a double helping of pain cake! Worth: $25
based on 360 retail game, SP and Co-Op

CrackdownGet in touch with your inner badass.
Yes, this is an older game, but it's still one of the best online co-op experiences on the 360. My buddy Arth and I have been hammering around in this game, and it's given me a whole new take on Crackdown.

I played the single player a year ago. In fact, I played it three times in a row and got all of my Agent's skills maxed out. Then I collected some driving achievements (stunts, mostly) before moving on to other games. Now that Arth has a 360, I'm revisiting my old stomping (literally) grounds and having a great time.

If you haven't played this game, it's totally worth it's current used price, even just for single-player. If you have a cyber-buddy you can play with, this is a must-play game.

- The bugginess that plagued this game on release has been fixed by an update that downloads automatically.
- Tons of great screenshots here.

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

Terrible food, and such small portions! Worth: $5
based on 360 demo and user reviews of retail game

Turning PointAt this point you should be turning to get away from this game.
The videos and articles show you the interesting story twist and alternate history of this post-WWII game. The demo hints at it's mediocre execution, and now it seems the retail release confirms this game's true mediocrity for all to see.

Mar 8, 2008

Installing Amplitube 2 Live on a Case-Sensitive drive

Another off-topic post, but I couldn't find _anything_ about this at Google. Hopefully this will help someone trying to install Amplitube2Live from IK Multimedia on a Mac with a case-sensitive hard drive.

After you install the software, go here: /Hard Drive/Library/Preferences

and change: com.ikmultimedia.AmpliTube2Live.plist

to: com.ikmultimedia.Amplitube2Live.plist (lower case "t" in Amplitube)

Don't even ask me how long it took me to figure this out. \:(