See you in six light-months. Worth: $50
based on the Xbox 360 retail

The GamerGal gave us this for Xmas. That was three days ago, and since then she and I have played Mass Effect for over 40 hours. She's way ahead of me because she played KOTOR 1 & 2, so she's got the vibe on how BioWare likes you to play. I keep running and gunning past all the goodies, but I don't care because I'll do this game at least three more times.
You can find a very detailed description of this game at Wikipedia, but something I wasn't ready for was how beautiful the galaxy is. Zooming in on star clusters, then down to star systems, then down to planets is a completely new experience for me and one I'll never forget. (It's awesome like the BFG9000 from Doom 1 was awesome, but adjusted for today's inflated awe-dollars.) I really feel like I'm traveling the galaxy and landing on alien worlds (and killing everyone I find there).
More on this outstanding experience as the GamerGal and I go along...
* UPDATE Jan 8, 2008
Well, maybe not billions of hours of gameplay. I finished my first play-through in about 35 hours. That's doing most of the side quests, and rummaging around for a lot of the collectibles. I had a great time. I'm playing my second character as a fast-paced gun-toting guy who always says the most obnoxious thing possible and ignores anything not related to the main quest. I'll do a third character as a primarily magic character that will attempt to do 100% of the game.
* UPDATE Jan 15, 2008
Second character done. The endgame is the same, but the final cut-scene is very different from what I got with my first character. This guy got the "Completionist" achievement, so I may never bother to get all the collectibles as there are a _lot_ of them and hunting for them slows the game down. I've started a 3rd character and found out something about the game. If you get an Achievement with a certain weapon type (like Assault Rifles), your next character can take that weapon as a trainable skill, even if their class doesn't include it. You can only pick one of these bonus abilities per character, but it's a great bonus because now I can have all my characters be gun-toting freaks, even if they're otherwise all-magic.
1st character: name "Hungry Joe", class Infiltrator (guns and tech combo).
2nd character: name "MachineGun", class Soldier (gun-toting maniac).
3rd character: name"AssBlaster", class Engineer (tech specialist).
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